DTO Membership
Douglas Timber Operators represents over 140 manufacturing, logging, trucking, private landowners and supportive businesses and individuals throughout southwestern Oregon.
[DTO board member**]
**C & D Lumber**
**Douglas County Forest Products**
D.R. Johnson Lumber
Goshen Forest Products
Herbert Lumber
**Keller Lumber**
Murphy Plywood
**Nordic Veneer**
**Northwest Hardwoods**
Oregon Overseas Timber Co.
**Roseburg Forest Products**
Sierra Pacific Industries
Southport Forest Products
**Starfire Lumber Co.**
**Swanson Group**
Western Cascade Industries
Al Pierce Co., LLC
Allen & Gibbons Logging
Boulder Creek Timber Co.
Don Whitaker Logging
E. H. Logging
Flury Supply Co.
Gene Whitaker Trucking
Harvey Log
Huffman & Wright Logging
**Ireland Trucking**
L&L Logging
**Mountain Western Log Scaling**
Ryan Parkhurst Trucking
Simon Talcott
Terrain Tamers
Western Equipment & Supply
Circle Heart Forests
Coquille Indian Tribe
**Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe**
Conf. Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians
FIA Timber Growth Master, LLC
**Lone Rock Timber Company**
Mahaffy Tree Farm, Inc.
Whitewater Forests LLC
**Barnes & Associates**
Brooke Communications, Inc.
Bruce Properties
Bruce Standley Construction
Cardinal Services, Inc.
Cascade Community Credit Union
Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad
Century 21 - The Neil Company
CHI Accounts Payable
Clackamas Communications
Clint Newell Chevrolet
Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Douglas Electric Cooperative
**Farm Unlimited**
Express Employment Professional
FCC Commercial Furniture
Fruit Growers Supply Co.
Genesee & Wyoming, Inc.
i.e. Engineering
International Port of Coos Bay
Knife River
Knutsen Towboat Company
McGovern Metals Co., Inc.
Mid-Oregon Printing
Neuner & Davidson
Newton Forestry, LLC
**Northwest Farm Credit Services**
NW Quadrant
Ocean Terminals
**Pacific Power**
Pape Machinery, Inc.
Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.
Peterson Machinery
Pinnacle Engineering, Inc.
Resource Management Services
Rick's Medical Supply
Rocking C Ranch
Rodney Greene Consulting
Silke Communications, Inc.
Stuntzner Engineering & Forestry
Travel Leaders/Fly Away Travel
Tyree Oil
Umpqua Bank
Umpqua Insurance Agency
Umpqua Training & Employment
Umpqua Valley Homebuilders Assc.
U.S. Bank
Ward Insurance Agency, Inc.
Yockim Carollo LLP
Lauren Young Tire Center
Steve Baimbridge
Ken Canon
Charles Cates
Wayne & Colleen Krieger
Elizabeth & Matt Hill
Cam Lawler
Claude McLean
Curt & Debbie Mendenhall
Tom Nelson
Virgle Osborne
Oregon Hunter's Association
Rick Sohn, Umpqua Coquille, LLC
Scott Standley
Tim Freeman
Richard Wesenberg
For more information about joining DTO, please contact tina@dougtimber.org.
Photo Credit : Warren Dick
with Menasha Corporation