Celebrating 50 years
On July 25, 1968, the Articles of Incorporation of Douglas Timber Operators were filed in the office of the Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon. The stated purpose of the corporation is to provide for the enlightenment and education of its members concerning problems associated with the logging and manufacturing of wood products.
In early pursuit of its purpose the corporation purchased shares in LandRad, a radio users group, on February 28, 1969. LandRad was formed on June 4, 1964 to provide radio communications for timber operators in the vicinity of Douglas County in southwestern Oregon. Douglas Timber Operators owned and operated one of the many radio frequencies in the radio system located atop Lane Mountain.
Shortly thereafter the corporation expanded its operations and hired its first full time director in September of 1976. Increased federal regulation of National Forest System lands precipitated the move. The National Forest Management Act, passed in October of 1976, addressed certain key points and issues in national forest management policy and administration, but it left definition of the most specific provisions to the discretion of the United States Forest Service. Several major forestry issues were left unresolved by the Act including clear cutting and nondeclining even flow.
In the 1980´s and 1990´s environmental concerns significantly altered federal forest management. Spotted owls and old growth timber were major environmental policy and emotional issues in the Pacific Northwest. Between 1989 and 1999 over 180 paper and wood products mills closed in spotted owl areas alone. Douglas Timber Operators changed its course of action to respond to the need for better science and common sense in the debate over the management of our National Forest System lands.
Douglas Timber Operators today represents over 140 manufacturing, logging, trucking, and supportive businesses, and private landowners and individuals throughout southwestern Oregon. A central feature of our mission is to help our members and the public better understand the forest products industry and forest-related issues.
Photo Credit : Warren Dick
with Menasha Corporation